Good morning friends, today I thought I'd talk about tools that can be useful in these times when classes are only possible online - at least in most of Europe. 

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I wanted to recommend some brilliant blogs of my female colleagues and compatriots, whom I admire for their creativity and hard work. Some of the materials are free of charge and some of them have to be paid for, but really worth the price. Check it yourself!!!


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I saw this exercise on two blogs some time ago and I immediately liked it. It's very dynamic, because we use cards and match them with the right question. You can play with one or more students. We have an option for a real deck of cards or a virtual deck. If you want to use virtual cards you can use

You can download to print here.

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*Cisco, Webex and all other trademarks mentioned in this article are registered by their owners.


Good morning friends, today I want to share my experience using Webex, a tool that can make online classes easier for those who, like me, are regular users of Skype or other simpler video conferencing platforms; or for those who, forced by confinement, are considering starting their online classes.

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My name is Agnieszka Juniewicz and I am a Polish woman living in Spain since 2015. I must openly admit that teaching English is my passion and I belong to this group of lucky people who do what they like every day. If I count all the years I have been teaching  English in different places, there will be more than 20.

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